Saturday, April 20, 2013

Book Exchange

The girls and I had the opportunity to experience a new event at Belle's school this week.  In preparation, we gathered up a few books from around the house that the kids no longer wanted.  We took them to Belle's school where she turned them in.  In exchange, she was able to search through other donated books for new finds to take to our home.
Both girls has plenty of books to chose from.  Talk about a stressful moment for abundance of books free for the taking. Anxiety!!! This girl loves books. Even more, this girl loves that her girls love books.

Had I know how fun this would be, I would have spent more time boxing up books to exchange instead of instructing Belle to "go get a few".

Can you imagine standing with books all around.  Books are fun.  Miss Olaya kept running from table to table, all along the gym floor searching for her two perfect books.  It was hard for all of us to make our final choices.

 In the end, we left with a new stash of books to read, plenty of smiles to share and a sweet treat to enjoy (probably Olaya's favorite part of the event).
One of the best gifts of being a mother comes from watching my children sparkle.  When Belle sparkles, watch out!!!  She is a ray of sunshine that warms everyone around.
As we were leaving the school, Belle took the opportunity to share with me her star of the walk of fame for completing her ISAT testing.  After a few days of rain, the star was a little washed out.  Never fear, I wasn't looking at the star.  The smile on my babies face had my full attention. 

These are the moments that sustain me.  I am one lucky girl.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.  It will be a day of family for us.  Exactly what I need.

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