Saturday, June 23, 2012

Real Fast

(Took FOREVER for the pics to load...have to finish later)

We made it back from vacation.  Everyone had an exceptional time.  We saw good friends, ate good food, loved on family and fed some dolphins while we were at it.  Vacation was good.  Not so much for my weight but certainly for my mental health.

As far as numbers, I gained 6.....yes, 6 pounds over an 11 day period (6 of that was driving across the country).  However, once we got back I started back on plan and have been feeling better than ever.  I have managed to be abstient (no wheat, no sugar) since Wednesday and I lost 1 lb each day, weighing in today at 259 (my lowest before vacation was 256).

So now that the numbers are out of the way, I just want to share that I met with my therapist on Wednesday.  He gave me some tough stuff to think about and prepare to work on.  Much of his direction is having to do with acceptance and finding serenity in the place I am in my life.  This session was good.  He called my bluff on how "great" I am doing after my recent relationship end.  Seems I need to live in the pain for a bit before I blow past it.  I get it.  Although my idea is why live in it.....move on.

That way hasn't been the best thus far so I am trying it his way.

Lots to do today......
already did my 3 mile City Creek hike.
Clean house
OA meeting
Load up my littles and go to Jensen's Grove
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat tonight

but before I go, just a few pics of the people we saw along the way.


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