Do not, I repeat, DO NOT wear panties with lace trim to go running when your thighs rub together (I don't know if this will be different if your thighs don't rub together).
Need I say more?????
Tonight was body pump and yoga at the gym and then a 2.5 mile stroll around the track (Sean so happy to have run into you on the track.....disregard that I was slightly checking you out until I realized it was you.)
Day four of abstinence-completely on plan.
Today was also my first session with an addiction counselor. We will call him Trent, cause well, that is his name. The session went well. Hard to bring someone all the way up to speed in under an hour. Not hard, impossible. However, nothing I said made him flinch so I think we are doing good and I did try to get the tough stuff out there. My way is to puke my guts out on someone and then sort through them later. He accepted it. The sorting will begin in two weeks after business trip and then family trip.
I keep seeing this on facebook. Every day for the last week or so. I don't have a link to give credit to. Each time I see it I think of all the times I have walked away from various events, things, people, when it got hard. I don't want to do that. But also, the changes I am making today are hard, even painful. I am aware there are those that would rather sit back and wait to see the final product and then decide to step up......not going to happen. Each day I celebrate the little victories and the vast number of people it takes to get me there. The longer I am at this (life), the more I realize we are all in this together. Thanks for sharing this journey with me.
Goodnight all!!! This girls is wiped out.
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